
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

If you know me, you know I love oatmeal.  Overnight oats, blueberry almond oatmeal, strawberry oat bars, Reese’s Cup Oatmeal, blueberry oat muffins, and more!

Oatmeal is a great breakfast food, to fuel up the body and provide it with fiber, good carbs, and protein all in one.  The great thing about it is, you can do so many different things with it and really change up the flavor.

I remember buying those store bought packets of apple cinnamon oatmeal and thinking I was eating healthy.  Truth be told, I wasn’t even too fond of it, I just thought it was good for me.  While it was oatmeal, it was also loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients and sweeteners.  In fact sugar was the second ingredient and it wasn’t the natural sugar from an apple!  I would add an apple to it.

So this is a quick and easy recipe for you!

I ate it as a snack so I did a smaller portion of oats.  If eating for breakfast use 1/2 cup dry oats vs 1/4 and more apple!


1/4 cup dry old fashioned oats
1 extra small apple chopped or 1/2 a large apple
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 cup of water or unsweetened almond milk for cooking oats

Optional: 1 tsp Honey


  1.  Cook oats to liking (follow directions on container using 1/4 cup).  Either stove top or microwave.
  2. Place oats in a small bowl, top with chopped apple and cinnamon.
  3. Stir and enjoy!  If you want it a bit sweeter, add in 1 tsp honey.

Feel free to try other variations such as strawberries or mixed berries with cinnamon, or banana and cinnamon!