Almond Strawberry Salad


Strawberry Almond Salad, 21 Day Fix Recipes
I usually stick to the same old salad with the same balsamic vinegar dressing but today I decided to switch it up and add strawberries and almonds to make an almond strawberry salad!  I also made a delicious strawberry vinaigrette dressing!  It was super quick and simple and a nice change up from the normalcy and added sweetness.  This reminds me of a salad that would be great for the summer but also brightened up this winter day : )


Strawberry Almond Salad, 21 Day Fix Recipes
For the 21 Day Fix this is 2 green, 1 purple, and 1 blue.  The dressing is an orange!
For the salad:
1 1/2 cups mixed spinach and argula
4 slices of a small zucchini (cut in half)
1/4 yellow bell pepper cut up
1/4 tomato cut into small chunks
3 baby carrots sliced
3 strawberries sliced
A handful of almonds (about 12)
For the strawberry vinaigrette dressing (makes 1 1/3 cup – use 2 Tbsp):
1/2 pound strawberries
2 Tablespoons honey
2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon seasalt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Add all ingredients and blend until smooth!  Add more honey for sweetness if desired.