
How to Get Rid of A Sore Throat Naturally

It’s that time of the year.  Wintertime.  It’s freezing out, snow is falling, and the colds are all around.  I used to be the person that was sick multiple times in a winter. I always had that nagging cough that never seemed to go away until the weather warmed up.  Once I changed my lifestyle to lead a healthier life, I found this drastically changed.

Since I have been eating healthy, whole, real foods, and exercising regularly, I find I very rarely get sick.  While I wish I never got sick, none of us are super human so it happens!  I caught a cold last weekend- sore throat, stuffy nose, the cough.  It was all there.  While you can quickly turn to medicine- I like to get rid of a sore throat naturally.

Plus I don’t like putting something in my body that says take 2 every 4 hours but do not exceed 8 in 24 hours or severe liver damage may happen.  WHAT!?  No.  I want to take 0 of those!

So here is what I do to get rid of a sore throat naturally (the cough, stuffiness, the whole thing!)


1 mug of warm water
1/2 Tbsp organic honey (if you can, local honey also helps with allergies, but when you are in a bind- use what you can!)
1/2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Add the ingredients to the water, mix and enjoy!! Do this 3 times a day to kick your cold.

-Honey is anti-bacterial, helps fight infections and soothes your throat. (Yes I know local is best but when someone else is nice enough to go get it for me, I’m not complaining)

-Apple Cider Vinegar, though it may smell kinda weird, has sooo many health benefits plus it thins mucus and kills bacteria.

-Lemon gives you vitamin c and helps flush toxins out of your body.

-Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory and possesses anti-oxidant properties.

It makes for a yummy tea!

**Disclaimer: I am not a doctor.  This is what I do to cure my cold.