
8 Ways to Boost Your Mood

With most of us on Stay Home orders during Covid-19, remember, there is no right way to feel right now. I know I have gone through a rollercoaster of emotions, as I’m sure many of you have as well- and that’s ok! Happy. Worried. Fearful. Hopeful. Anxious. Scared. Content. Angry. Helpless… and the list goes on. I’m going to ask you to take a few minutes each day doing one of the ways to boost your mood below and see how you feel.

Remember to take it one day at a time and know that some days will be better than others. Aim to make each day positive in some way! You’ll be surprised how the little things add up and how many ways to boost your mood there are. I’ve got 8 for you below so check them out!

1. Spend Time on Just You.


Yes, it’s ok to be a little selfish. Spend even just a few minutes each day doing something for you. Whether it’s journaling, listening to a soothing song, or just listening to your own breath for a minute. This can be very calming and let you get alone with just your thoughts.

2. Exercise

Ok, this one should be obvious. Exercise is proven to boost your mood as it releases endorphins- thus boosting your mood and making you happier. Not to mention exercise will also boost your energy and combat depression. It has so many benefits from weight control to confidence. Remember, it doesn’t have to be long 15, 20 minutes will do the trick.

Whatever type floats your boat from running, boxing, yoga, barre, running around with the kids, hiking, or a family walk. Just a short amount will help you immensely. If you can get some fresh air- that’s even better

3. Spend Time with Family.

We always want more quality time with our loved ones don’t we? Maybe this is one of the blessings of this pandemic. You are going to spend more time with your family, so engage in activities that you can do together.

A family walk, Netflix watching, doing a puzzle or an art project. It’s easy to shut your office door and be gone for 8-10 hours, but on your breaks, checking in with, eating lunch with your loved ones can really boost your mood.

4. Write Down 5 Things You are Grateful for and Why

I know, it sounds cheesy. You might be saying, “I know what I’m grateful for, why do I have to think about it, let alone write it down.” Trust me. It will get you thinking of all the things you have to be grateful for. Write it down and tuck it away in a desk drawer. That way when you need a boost you can look at it!


5. Talk to Friends

“Friends are the family you choose.” Who can agree more. They are there for you, someone to vent to, talk to, to be there for you! This is a time we can actually grow closer to our friends, and talk with them more.

Reach out if you are feeling down! That’s what friends are for. Also send a friendly check-in message, dm, or phone call- as your friend might need a little mood boost from you!

6. Get Ready for the Day

Yea I know you are just going to the kitchen and living room but going through your routine of getting dressed, and doing your hair and makeup can make a big difference. Sure, you’ll have those days where you stay in your PJs all day and that’s totally fine! When you do need that pick-me-up- get ready and look your best for you and your family!

7. Self Care.

Similar to spending time just on you. This takes it a little further- do something to pamper yourself. Give your self a mani-pedi, take a bubble bath or a relaxing walk on a nice spring day. Treat yourself in a way that helps you relax and unwind.

8. Have that Wine or that Dark Chocolate

You knew this had to be included right? Both have been shown to make you happier, in moderation of course! I know for me it’s red wine. The first sip sends notes of relaxation to my brain. This makes sense because alcohol releases neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which give you that pleasurable feeling. As for dark chocolate, it contains phenylethylamine, a neuromodulator that helps regulate your mood.


There you have it for the 8 ways to boost your mood. Did you try any of these? Did you feel better afterwards? Let me know if you have a different way to boost your mood!